Meeting of March 16, 2009

The Bishop's Latin School Alumni Association Executive Board convened last evening at 6:00 p.m. at Fritsch's restaurant in Caste Village Shopping center.

In attendance: President, Tony Fisher, Treasurer, Gary Gayda, Secretary, Angelo Spagnolo as well as Steve Byers '71, Mike Wallisch '71 Mark Cotter '72 and special alumni visitor Larry Less '70. (My apologies to Larry as I mistakenly referred to him as Larry Lesh in an earlier email. That was a Freudian slip as I had heard Larry referred to as "Lesh" by Ed Murphy '70 about 100 times). Absent attending a funeral for a friend in Utah was moderator Fr. Dave Schorr.


Treasurer Gayda submitted a report showing that the association has maintained a balance of $22,209.91, an amazing accomplishment considering the size of our alumni association. President Fisher presented the bill for the Cardinal's Crozier that had been purchased last year. The bill was for $1,300, not the $1,500 we initially thought it would be. Treasurer Gayda will be sending this payment posthaste.


President Fisher is going to submit newsletters to Skip Hary so that they may be added to our website in a new format. Gary Gayda noted that he located several "lost" alumni on the "Facebook" website. He will add them to our email system. Secretary Spagnolo reported on the success of the new emailing system and the amount of feedback he has already received. Larry Less being present at this meeting was a direct result as after receiving an email notice about the meeting he decided to drive in from Columbus "to see the guys again". We're certainly hopeful that more alumni will take Larry's lead and join us for a Board meeting. Our meetings are always open to our alumni!


As many of you may already be aware, there have been several personnel moves within the Diocese. President Fisher spoke with Fr. Dennis Yurocho, new Rector of Seminarians at St. Paul's Seminary and Fr. Matt McClain, the new Vocations Director. He related that after April 20th when they are settled into their new positions that they will be coming to an upcoming board meeting to address the revitalization of the Affiliates program as well as possibly firming up details for a BLS Alumni night at St. Paul's to meet the seminarians.


The remainder of the meeting was spent discussing the Cardinal Wright Awards and the Fr. Joe Henry Award. secretary Spagnolo thanked the many alumni who responded to a recent email with fine nominations. Our committee decided that it has much "due diligence" to perform before an actual vote can be made for this year's awardees. Angelo Spagnolo, Tony Fisher and Steve Byers are going to report on various questions that the board had for the next meeting. Angelo Spagnolo will be seeing Cardinal DiNardo in Houston, Texas next week so he will attempt to get a firm date as to when the Cardinal will be in the City of Pittsburgh this summer. We will attempt to coordinate the Cardinal Wright Awards activities with his visit this summer.


The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 20th at 6:00 p.m. at Fritsch's Restaurant in the Caste Village Shopping Center. Gary Gayda and Mike Wallisch also announced a new initiative, the BLS Warmup Meeting, that will take place at 5:30 at Bill Armstrong's Bistro (about 100 feet away from Fritsch's restaurant). The idea is that the alumni will get an opportunity to "down a few libations" before the real work begins. Again we hope that some of you whom we haven't seen in awhile will be moved to join us. The food's great, the company's even better and the purpose of our association's existence--helping to foster vocations through our alumni and our resources--can't be topped in importance to today's Church.

The meeting closed at 7:35 p.m.

Angelo Spagnolo'72, BLS Recording Secretary